Utilities to get things done.
trabant runs as much open source software as possible.[$]: Financial expenses indicator
- firefox: a compromise
- feh: image viewer
- Transmission: torrent client
- termscp: FTP client
- Rad Reader: an RSS reader
- feh - image viewer
- Gnome-Tweaks - to switch trabant alt and cmd keys
Command Line
- nnn - file browser [$]
- micro - text editor
- pass - password manager
- w3m: a command line browser
- imagemagick - command line image editing
- cmus - music player
- khard - manage contacts
- khal - calendar
- lazygit - git client [$]
- xclip - copy text to the clipboard
- vdirsyncer - sync calendars and contacts with a remote server
- rsync - file synchronisation tool
- stardict - dictionary
- pywal - generates a color palette from the dominant colors in an image
- powerline shell - beautiful bash prompt generator
- toot tui - a terminal user interface for Mastodon
- units - to convert various units of measurement
- openvpn - used with airvpn
- wal - used to set random wallpapers and pick color samples for relogen
- rofi - application launcher
- libfuse2 - to run AppImages
- gphoto2: import pictures from camera
- clang-format: a C linter
- Slack - messenger for Broken Rules
- Zulip - messenger for Ouvertura
- Cabal - messenger for Merveilles communication
- Signal - messenger for everything else
- neomutt - email client
- mbsync - used to synchronise emails with a remote SMTP server
- msmtp - used to send emails
- ripmime - used to view email attachments
- urlscan - used to parse email links
Image & Video Editing
- Krita - a painting suite [$]
- Inkscape - vector graphics editor [$]
- Darktable - raw file image editor
- blender - 3d suite
- KdenLive - Video Editing
- qutebrowser - world wide web browser [$]
- Ripcord - slack client [$]
incoming(10) | trabant | trabant | rosinante | review 2022 | review 2021 | ubuntu | gemini | launcher | neomutt | w3m