A command line dictionary.
I use sdcv (StarDict Console Version) as my regular dictionary.
Dictionaries can become large files and you might want to store them in your home directory. To do so, add the environment variable STARDICT_DATA_DIR
to your .bashrc
export STARDICT_DATA_DIR="/home/rostiger/.dictionaries/"
Currently I mainly translate between english and german language, thus the following dictionaries are installed:
American_Heritage_Dictionary_4th_Ed-2.4.2 Cambridge_Advanced_Learners_Dictionary_3th_Ed-2.4.2 dictd_www.dict.org_gcide-2.4.2 duden-2.4.2 freedict-deu-eng-2.4.2 freedict-eng-deu-2.4.2 Oxford_Advanced_Learner_s_Dictionary-2.4.2 Soule_s_Dictionary_of_English_Synonyms-2.4.2 Urban_Dictionary_P1-2.4.2 Urban_Dictionary_P2-2.4.2
I added these aliases to my .bashrc_aliases
alias dict='sdcv --color --use-dict=GermanEnglish --use-dict=EnglishGerman'
alias define='sdcv --color --use-dict=AmericanHeritageDictionary --use-dict=CambridgeDictionary'
alias definiere='sdcv --color --use-dict=Duden'
alias synonym='sdcv --color --use-dict=Synonyms'
alias urban='sdcv --color --use-dict=UrbanDictionaryP1 --use-dict=UrbanDictionaryP2'
For some dictionaries, their .ifo
file needs to be edited as the bookname
value must not contain any spaces.
dict word | translates a word from German to English or vice versa |
define word | looks up a word in English dictionaries |
definiere word | looks up a word in German dictionaries |
synonym word | looks up a word in the english synonym dictionary |
urban word | looks up a word in the Urban dictionary |
incoming(2) | software | review 2023