A terminal based text editor.

Install manipulator plugin with

plugin install manipulator

Use the following keybinding in .config/micro/bindings:

	"Alt-u": "command:upper",
	"Alt-l": "command:lower",
	"Alt-c": "command:capital",
	"Alt-{": "command:curly",
	"Alt-[": "command:square",
	"Alt-(": "command:brace",
	"Alt-<": "command:angle"

Set as Default Editor

Using Gnome/Ubuntu

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/micro 100
sudo update-alternatives --config editor

Set as Default Diff Editor

git config --global diff.tool micro
git config --global merge.tool micro
git config --global core.editor "vim"

Indental Syntax Highlighting

Place a text file called indental.yaml in ~/.config/micro/syntax/ and paste the following code for indental syntax hightlighting:

filetype: ndtl
  filename: "\\.ndtl$"
  - comment: "^;.*$"               # Comment
  - preproc: "^[A-Z0-9_]+\\b.*"    # Line starting in all caps
  - type: "\\tHOST|BREF|TYPE|BODY|CAPT|DATE|LINKS"                # Line starting with a tab and all caps
  - default: "\\t\\t[A-Z0-9_]+\\b" # Line starting with two tabs and all caps
  - special: "\\t#.*"              # H1
  - special: "\\t##.*"             # H2
  - special: "\\t###.*"            # H3
  - special: "\\t####.*"           # H4

incoming(3) | software | review 2023 | git