Notes on the version control system
git init
Initializes a repository in the current directory
git status
Shows changes files
git add filename
Stages a file
git commit -m "Insert Message"
Commits the files
git push/pull
Pushes or pulls the latest changes
Pushing a new repository to Source Hut
git remote add origin
Creates the remote repository
git push -u origin main
Pushes the default branch to the remote
Installing the latest version of git on an LTS Ubuntu distro:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install git
Renaming the main branch
git branch -m master main
Renames the local branch
git push -u origin main
Pushes the new main branch to the remote
gut push origin --delete master
As of Git 2.28 it is possible to configure the name of the default branch:
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
See micro for setting the default diff editor.
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