Navigating the terminal
I use the gnome-terminal on trabant and rosinante.
Basic command line programs for every day use.
cmd | Description |
cd | change directory |
ls | list directory content |
pwd | print working directory |
mv | move/rename file |
cp | copy file |
man | shows the manual of a program |
lp | send file to the local printer |
clear | clears the terminal screen |
fg | returns to a program running in the background |
sudo | execute command as priviledged user |
sudo ! | execute previous command as priviledged user |
~ | shortcut for the home directory |
These shortcuts work in bash.
Tab | autocompletes directory and filenames |
Alt | modifier to jump to next space |
Ctrl+C | aborts programs by sending the SIGINT signal |
Ctrl+Z | sends SIGSTP to move the terminal above the currently running program |
Ctrl+L | clears the terminal screen |
Ctrl+D | log out of the terminal and close it |
Ctrl+A | move the cursor to the start of the line |
Ctrl+E | move the cursor to the end of the line |
Ctrl+U | clear the line towards the beginning |
Ctrl+K | clear the line towards the end |
Ctrl+W | delete last word |
Ctrl+K | delete the rest of the line after the cursor |
Toggle the closing confirmation dialog:
gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings confirm-close true/false
To check the setting, use:
gsettings get org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings confirm-close