Fuji X100T.

I started learning about the basics of photography with this camera. Its aquisition marks the start of journaling for this website.

It is second-hand Fuji X100T from 2013 that I aquired in 2020. It is a fairly simple digital camera - the lense can't be unmounted and it's doesn't do particularly well in low-light situations. But it is built like a tank, has great UX and sparks more joy in me than any other camera I have used.

To transfer the photos from the camera to trabant, I run camSync, a bash script that uses gphoto2 to transfer and rename the raw files.
For this to work, automount must be disabled:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount false

Should you get an error message about the gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor being in use, turn it off via:

systemctl --user stop gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor.service


incoming(2) | software | photography