A collection of links on the WWW.
personal web links
- XXIIVV - Where it all began
- Bad Diode - Music & Code, styles upon styles
- Thomasorus - Home of Dr. Hypertext, master of HTML
- Helvetica Blanc - Beautifully illustrated mysticism
- Alexander Cobleigh - Excellent human being
- Ritual Dust - Dark folk art from a warm heart
- Compudanzas - Computational Dancing
- s-ol - Maker of exotic keyboards
- Simon Repp - Creator of Faircamp among many other things
- Julia Evans - Wizzard Zines!
internet links
- The Internet Obesity Crisis
- Death to Bullshit
- IndieWeb - A people-focused alternative to the "corporate web".
- Rez Mason on the state of the Internet - Thoughts on the state of the Internet.
- Sustainable Web Manifesto
- Fediverse - About the Fediverse.
- Trunk - A directory of Mastodon users based on interests.
- Internet Archive - A gigantic non-profit library of books, movies, software, music, etc.
- Project Gemini - A collaboratively designed internet protocol.
- The A11Y project - Digital accessibility.
- Uberspace - A webspace provider.
- Nearly Free Speech - A webspace provider.
- Air VPN - A VPN operated by activists in defense of net neutrality.
- Norma - Turin-based graphic design studio
- Comeradery - A worker cooperative for independent creators.
software links
- Mastodon - A free, open-source, federated social network.
- Matrix - An open standard for interoperable, decentralised communication over IP
- twtxt - A decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers
- Regolith - A Linux desktop environment based on Ubuntu.
- Archcraft - A pre-customised Linux distribution based on Arch.
- Replicant - A free android distribution
- Syncthing - A coninuous file synchronisation program
- Tiny Tool - A collection of open-source software
- Serenity OS
- Tape - An offline-first project management tool
- Android Based OS Comparison Chart
technology links
- Howtopedia - Practical Knowledge
- Apropedia - Solutions for sustainability
- Hacker Tribes - Ethics and Aesthetics of Hackers
- Low Tech Lab - Tutorials for Low Tech solutions
- mechkey.org - Mechnical Keyboards and where to find them
- Design Life-Cycle
- The Critical Engineering Manifesto
- The CURTA Calculator
- Viznut on Permacomputing
- Low-Tech Magazine - Doubts on progress and technology
- The Repair Manifesto
activism links
- Wien Schauen
- Extinction Rebellion Austria
- Lobau Bleibt
- System Change Not Climate Change
- List of Initiatives
- Convivialist Manfiesto - A declaration of interdependence
- Tax Me Now
- Colonization and Decolonization
- The European Permaculture Community
- GEN-Austria - Network for Communal Living
- Mario Rampitsch - Eine Arche Bauen
- Iris Kunze - Forschung Nachhaltigkeit und Gemeinschaft
- MILA Mitmach Supermarkt
- Low Tech Lab - Tutorials for Low Tech solutions
- SOL - Solidariät, Ökologie, Lebensstil
- Permaculture Austria
- Dorfschmiede Gutenstein
- Pioneers of Change
- Gemeinwohlökonomie
- Initiative Gemeinsam Bauen & Wohnen
- habiTAT
- Munus Stiftung
- Solawi Life
- Local Harvest
solidarische landwirtschaft
- SoLaWi Leben - Zusammenschluss solidarischer Landwirtschaften Österreich
- Ouvertura
- Solidarische Landwirtschaft Ackerschön
- Gemeinsam Landwirschaften Ochsenherz
- Bio Hof Radl
- Distelfink
- Kleine Stadtfarm
- Gleis 21 - 1100 Wien
- B.R.O.T. Pressbaum - Pressbaum, Niederösterreich
- Hasendorf - Hasendorf, Niederösterreich
- LebensGut Miteinander - Rohrbach an der Gölsen, Niederösterreich
- Cambium - Fehring, Steiermark
- Ökosiedlung Gärtnerhof - Gänserndorf, Niederösterreich
- Cohousing Lebensraum - Gänserndorf, Niederösterreich
- Willy Fred - St.Pölten, Niederösterreich
- Belehof - Rutzenmoos, Oberösterreich
- Wohnprojekt Niederhof - Lilienfeld, Niederösterreich
- PAN - Harmannstein, Niederösterreich
- Cohousing Pomali - Wölbing, Niederösterreich
- Am Wolfskogel - wolfskogel.at
- Künstlergasse - 1150 Wien
food and clothing links
miscellaneous links
- Toka Pona
- Grim Grains
- Toki Pona Dictionary
- Merveilles Sensibilities
- Energy Slaves
- With four square meters of sail and one oar - A story for the modern man
- Ian's Shoelace Site - Shoe Lacing Explained
- This To That - How to combine different materials so they stick!
- Standard Ebooks - Liberated books beatifully produced for ereaders