Keeping myself happy.
"When people appear to be something other than good and decent, it is only because they are reacting to stress, pain, or the deprivation of basic human needs such as security, love, and self-esteem."
- Abraham Maslow
neef's nine fundamental human needs
- Sustenance: Food, Air, Water, Shelter, Clothing, Sex
- Protection: Personal Security, Medical Support, Social Security
- Affection: Family, Friends, Partners, Lovers, Privacy, Intimacy, Togetherness
- Understanding: Access to Knowledge, Mentors & Methods
- Participation: Rights, Responsibilities, Privileges, Community
- Idleness: Relaxation, Reflection, Dreaming, Playing, Recreation, Celebrating
- Creation: Imagination, Skills, Methods, Build, Design, Compose, Purpose
- Identity: Sense of Belonging, Commitment, Symbols, Language, Sexuality, Values, Beliefs
- Freedom: Tolerance, Equality, Freedom of Speech
maslow's hierarchy of basic needs
- Physiological: Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Sleep, Clothing, Sex
- Safety: Personal security, work/employment, resources, health, property
- Love and Belonging: Friendship, Intimacy, Family, Sense of Connection
- Esteem: Respect, Self-Esteem, Status, Recognition, Strength, Freedom
- Self-Actualization: Desire to become the most that one can be
"Freiheit und Geborgenheit"
personal needs
- Gestaltung: Creativity, Shaping, Forming
- Self-realization: Living on my own terms
- Growth: Personal & Spiritual Development
- Agency: Having a choice, setting my own boundaries
- Freedom: Speaking, Moving, Dressing, Relating
- Geborgenheit: Being cared for, feeling safe and sound
- Connection: Being in a network of people, friends, family, partners
- Exchange: Giving and Taking
- Understanding: Being Seen and Heard
- Harmony: Emotional stability, balance and well-being
- Peace: Calmness, Absence of Violence
- Aesthetics: Beauty in Shape, Colors and Texture
- Lebensfreude: Gratitude for every experience
- Easiness: Smooth development, Absence of pronlonged frustration
- Esteem: Respect, Support, Kind Words
- Curiosity: Beginner's Eyes, Seeing and Wondering
- Lust: Playfulness
- Touch: Body Warmth, Mingling Energies
- Intimacy: Sharing sensual moments, exchanging words of affection
- Sex: Playful, Sensual, Affectionate, Curious, Open-Minded, Wild, Animalistic, Heated