Solving the magic cube.
- Ri Di R D
- Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi
- U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
- F R U Ri Ui Fi
- R U Ri U R U U Ri
- R Ui Li U Ri Ui L
Create a cross on the white side, where each edge piece aligns correctly with the middle pieces layer 2.
Use Alg.1
and align the corner pieces to finish layer 1.
Turn the cube around so the yellow side is looking up.
Use Alg.2
to move the edge pieces of layer 3 to the left edge of layer 2 or Alg.3
to move them to the right edge of layer 2. Repeat until layer 2 is finished.
Rotate layer 3 to a position where one yellow edge piece is facing the same way as the blue side and one facing the same way as the red side. Use Alg.4
to create a yellow line on the yellow side. Rotate layer 3 until another yellow edge piece faces the same way as the blue side and the yellow line on top points to the red side. Use Alg.4
again to create a yellow cross.
Rotate the cube to look straight at the yellow side. Rotate layer 3 so either left and right edge pieces align with the middle pieces of their respective sides, or the top and right edge pieces align with the middle pieces of their respective sides. Use Alg.5
once or twice to make the edge pieces align with all the middle pieces of their respective sides.
Rotate the cube until a correctly positioned (not necesarily rotated) corner piece of layer 3 is on the bottom left. Use Alg.6
to correctly position the the other corner pieces. Repeat until all corner pieces are in their correct position.
Pick either red, blue, orange or green side and keep it facing towards you until the cube is finished. Chose a side that has a corner piece on the bottom right that needs rotation to fit. Use Alg.1
either twice or four times to correct the rotation of the corner piece. Now rotate layer 3 counter-clockwise until the next corner piece that needs rotation is at the bottom right. Repeat until all corner pieces are correctly rotated.
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